Blog, Life Lived Be*YOU*tifully

Stop Wishing You Were Someone Else and Be Your Best Self

So many times we let our doubts, fears and insecurities take over our thoughts and we wish we were someone else, we think that other people have it together and we want their life. We see the good, exciting stuff they post on social media and we get jealous. We see their lives as being so perfect and think that everything works out for everyone else except me. Or is it just me that has those thoughts? If not, keep reading.

Too often we’ll see someone and think, “they are so confident,” “everyone loves them,” “they have the best life,” and so on. But, in actuality, that person is really thinking “I hope people like it,” “what will people think,” “I hate how I look,” “I wish I was somewhere else.”

It is so easy to let these thoughts creep in. We make assumptions about other people and what they’re going through, when really we all have these negative thoughts.

I love the quote, “the grass isn’t greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it.”

Instead of comparing yourself to others, see what you like about them and how you can incorporate it into your life. See the other person’s traits, abilities, and experiences as seeds for what is available in your life. You’re attracted to what you see in other people’s lives because you desire it, and that’s a good thing! There is more than enough for you to have whatever it is that you desire.

Are you envious of someone travelling a lot? Why is that? Do you wish to travel more? What’s one way you can add traveling into your life? It may not be a month-long trip to Europe just yet, but start with a day trip to a new town. Show to yourself that you are open to these new experiences and be intentional on making them happen.

Are you jealous of people that have the courage to go live on Facebook everyday? What is it that you wish you were more courageous in? You can challenge yourself to go live, post more pictures of yourself, or even go talk to strangers in person! Choose whatever step feels best for you.

Do you see everyone around you in serious relationships but you’re still single? Your relationship will come, but what can you do in the meantime? Can you spend more time with your friends and family and develop better relationships first? Can you spend time envisioning what your future relationship looks like and what it will mean to you? Enjoy what you currently have, but be excited about what’s to come!

Whatever it is that you see other people doing, you’re able to have that for yourself! When you have a jealous thought, think about what it is that’s making you jealous. Become aware of why you have certain thoughts and what it means to you. And then spend time thinking about how you can take that jealous thought and make it a positive one. How can you take what the other person has or has done and apply it to your life? Think about what it is that you want and what steps you need to take in order to have it.

Also, remember that when you see someone doing really well at their craft or in their life, it’s because they worked at it. They were intentional to make it happen and they started somewhere. Their first steps were awkward and clumsy too. You just need to take the first step and you’ll get to where you want to be one step at a time.

You have the power to create the life that you want. You have the power to improve who you are and become your best self.

So, what are you doing today that will take you in the direction of your dreams? Let me know in the comments or contact me so I can support you!

Be YOU. BeYOUtiful.

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